Aragon Building Maintenance
is a dynamic company that provides property solutions to an
increasingly complex and expanding service industry: the property
management and building maintenance field. Since 1999,
Building Maintenance
has developed and provided services to ensure building owners and
property managers have the qualified human resources, as well as
the tools to manage and maintain their portfolio of properties.
Through its three
operating divisions (Training, Placement and Consulting
Aragon Building Maintenance
has been meeting industry needs for:
Qualified and trained personnel to operate and maintain
residential and commercial buildings; |
Timely identification of deficiencies and issues in both
building sites and operating procedures that may inhibit the
profitability of a property portfolio and the efficient and
effective operation of staff and building sites; and
 | A
planned and cost-effective approach to building operations and
maintenance. |
Aragon Building Maintenance
responds to the needs of individuals with little or no technical
background but an aptitude and interest in a career in the
property management industry through its 10-week, full-time
Comprehensive Building Management and Maintenance Course. This
course combines basics on plumbing, electrical and architectural
repairs and maintenance, as well as furnishes participants with
the range of administrative, housekeeping and life and safety
skills and knowledge to efficiently and effectively operates
within a building.
Building Maintenance
works with building owners and property managers to design and
deliver custom training that focuses on their specific properties
and staff training needs. Training is interactive and combines
videos, overheads and hands-on training to complement classroom
style instruction. The on-site application of skills can also be
incorporated, as appropriate. Both the cost and length of
training is negotiated on a case-by-case basis taking into
account the topic, the needs of staff and agreed upon learning
objectives. Training can be delivered at site, at
Aragon Building
training facilities or a combination of locations. Some of the
most popular topics include:
Fire Safety Planning, |
Basic Building Construction, |
Housekeeping, |
 | The
Tenant Protection Act, |
Plumbing, |
Electrical, |
